Our names match perfectly in numerology and wish I knew your birthday. Told myself to stay away from your profiles but I'm drawn to them. How can I stop myself from wondering what you are doing and thinking? I tried to make small talk with a regular at a place I eat lunch near downtown. She's very pretty, nice, seemed quiet, sits alone and yesterday I joined her at her table. No shyness with her but no interest hearing boring too much detail small talk. If we had connected no way would I be writing poetry wish she was like you. Admitting I chatted a few up on from Facebook to see what would happen and thinking maybe I could **** the butterflies I get thinking about you. After one on one chat I needed to un-friend after most thought chat meant more. Whatever happened to hi meaning hi and simple chat means same? I see how you are with guys and know you are normal and not the type to read more into what men say and why I want to get to know the lady behind the voice. Wish you knew I was alive and would read my poems.