I've never been so addicted. It made all the loud things a distant lull as the background faded and blurred. All that was bright became a soft golden halo that you wore so well. The only colors that mattered, the green in your eyes the flush on your cheeks the pearl white of the smile that stung so deep and caught my breath. Injected further than veins. Dilating my pupils and exploring my brain. Taking me to my darkest of depths and resurfacing to just barely breathe. I sold my soul for a taste. That utter bliss that kept me awake, raging through the darkness with a match light torch. My horse with no armor and no shield for my heart. You gave me the purest of all the drugs. Watched me slip, sink into your grip and carried me home. Only to open me up and begin to sip, from my fountain that flowed so freely. You drank and drank and drank, never stopped to see me. The fire that burned so fierce, that kept you warm and gave you peace, is now but a fever of withdrawal. The tears that flow, every hour no every day no maybe once a week now no the shakes that have eased the pain that flows and ebbs with sleep the smile that comes a little more often now. I'm getting clean you see. The sick has almost passed. This course of you, is running its last.