I'm about ready to collapse I can't go on My days are full of pain And my nights are nothing but me laying awake Thinking about everything I'm losing I'm bruising real easily Probably because I'm weakening I'm reevaluating my actions My passion If I don't succeed I'll be locked away in self pity Fall to my knees Wave the white flag and retreat You won't hear from me I'm trying to be strong But not for long I'm standing as tall as I possibly can **** Don't take everything that I am Since you've left I feel stuck in lost depth I don't know where my head is I've lost my mind Can't keep track of time I wish I could of said goodbye You are being put in the ground tomorrow That will be the beginning of my real sorrow I'm afraid that if I sleep I'll see you I don't know if I can handle seeing you I can't seem to move on Its only been a couple of days And I can't keep up My head says to get over it My heart says that's enough I can't take much more of this Stress is overflowing I'm lost in an abyss Everyone is trying to help But they don't see that I'm sinking