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Nov 2013
I closed my eyes and woke a tick past seven.
Awake, I slipped into my favorite dream
where the wine dark sea called my name
in a sweet fine whisper, and where I
knew how to respond the theme.

You returned to me as I to you
after the water remembers the warmth of the shore.
Bountiful bouquets of sun blessed heavy arms
And nothing relieved my aching soul more.

In my slumber I swam through some beautiful seas.
Bathed in the nectarine skies and lilac showers,
I call your name from between the breeze-

But there lay silence,the suns closed their setting lids
Reminding me how you closed your eyes near me too,
and how my bliss swimming by you
was just me dreaming visions of blue (It was not true)
Written by
ML  Athens/NYC
   spysgrandson, Nicole Alyse and Jay
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