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Nov 2013
It’s days like this, when you’re walking alone
When you are stopped in your tracks by something so beautifully grown
I wasn’t expecting to have my breath taken from me that day
But it happened

From her leaves to her roots there was nothing but beauty
How could she not be marked as a national sight to see?
Maybe to the world she was one lost in the crowd of millions
But to me she’d always stand out

My walk through the park would never be the same
The path I took was forever changed
My daily walk was now longer and more challenging
But she was worth it

Slowly I built up the courage to make my mark
I walked up to her, pulled out a knife, and carved away at the bark
I wasn’t sure if the mark would someday fade
But I had to try

I am not much of an artist, but my work would be true
And slowly but surely I carved out the word “you”
Such a simple three-letter word
But it’s apart of a bigger piece

Struggling to keep the knife steady in my hand
I moved on to carve the symbol for and
Nothing more than a conjunction
But it’s what connects us

Tired but determined, I carved the letters “M” and “E”
Finishing a phrase I think is meant to be
A message so seemingly well understood
But each letter holds a meaning

Encompassing the words in an ***** meant to always beat
I step back for a better view, still roots to feet
It’s a little jagged and uneven
But it makes me smile

She is special in every single way
All I could do is hope my symbol would stay
I wasn’t expecting my breath to be taken from me that day
But it happened
Chubbie Bunny
Written by
Chubbie Bunny
   ---, Currin, ---, ---, nesrine ben and 2 others
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