It's at 10:30. 10:30 when I realize who I really am. I realized how hard I try to make everyone like me. How hard I try to fit in. How hard I try to be this loud obnoxious girl, with this big boastful bad attitude. Is that me? I don't really know. It was about 10:14. 10:14 when I realized what someone I trusted with my most confined thoughts and feelings Thought about me. Annoying. Super. Annoying. Am I? The problem. The problem is that I do not know who I am. There for I am not sure how to fix it. I do not know how to guide myself into the right. Why not? Why can't I stay happy? What happens in my mind? Does something break? Or snap? And then reform. Then break or snap again? What is it? Why? What do I keep letting hold me back? Why am I so lost? Who is wiling to answer these questions? I want to scream into the wind. I want the wind to pick me up and carry me away into abyss. No one will find me. I can be alone with my thoughts and my words. I can write all the colors in the sky. When I write about happy things. I am happy. I can feel it. But how do I get myself to do it when all the floods my mind is upset words. I cannot swim in this any longer. I can feel myself drowning. But I know that I will save myself at the last second. Because that is what I was made to do. Save. From all the harsh and cruel things that life is. From myself. 10:38. 10:38 I realized how jumbled and confused all of this is. Just like my life. Everything is a mess. 10:39. 10:39. Save me from this mess. Carry me home. I am tired. I am so tired. 10:39 Just let me be alright.