Two drinks in and all my thoughts are racing. But for once it's almost positive, instead of mostly negative. I know I'll always have my issues, my mistakes are who I am. But why should I let them break me instead of push me ahead?
There will never be a moment where I don't remember his face; sweaty and contorted forcing me to keep silent. Or his hands around my neck and the darkness closing in.
But he's not here anymore, and the torment is all over. I have people surrounding me who love me for everything and anything.
And there won't be a day that passes where I don't remember the love of me and Josh sitting on that hill watching the sunset sink beneath the clouds. I can never forget that sacrifice, of a young life lost to save another.
But in my memory he will stay, because I have someone who cares. Who knows all of my faults, and wants to help through the pain.
And I have my friends who only want the best for me. Who listen when I talk, laugh at my corny jokes and love me for who I am.
I will never be perfect, but I need to stop trying. Imperfect is beautiful, and I'm starting to see my beauty.
The scars will remain, white and raised against my skin. But they're reminders of a past that changed my course of action. The bones will never heal, and the insults won't disappear. But learning to live with them is something within reach.
I'm not broken or damaged, but pieces put together, mended and healing. I am superwoman.