Last night I saved you From going to jail Although it was scary I knew you were a violent male
You have some major Growing up to do The whole world does not Live, think, talk like you
A nice man approached me To ask me a question You immediately got violent And started to punch him
It was in front of His young & innocent son How dare you act on violence In the presence of a young one
You assaulted a man It was incredibly immature You're brutal and a savage Your heart is so impure
The real world doesn't function Like your violent movies & music There's a thing called civility You need to learn how to use it
You say this is a red flag For most women, well, I'm included in that category And last night was hell
I saw the side of you That I try to contain But I guess I need to learn That some people can't change
Last night this middle aged man and his son innocently approached me to ask me a question. My friend went crazy and started to attack this man for NO reason, right in front of his young son. I had to force my friend off of this man and thankfully, the man didn't call the cops. I yelled at my friend and made him apologize to the man and his son. I feel horrible for them both, but especially the boy who was most definitely traumatized by my friend's actions. My friend has a history of being prone to violent behavior. He has some mental issues but none justify his actions. I am trying to teach him that that is NOT normal and that resorting to violence is never the answer. One can't just lay their hands on someone for NOTHING. Honestly, truly scared. Next time my friend won't be so lucky.