let me introduce you to my old friend Jax (Jackson) Hate ladies and gentlemen tell 'em about yourself why don't you, you're the writer I've known Jax for as long as I can remember UK to US kids to teen to? to a sentimental *** He's an *******, but he's my ******* He kept me safe kept me laughing when I was lost he found me stop you're making me wet I love him really - I do I'd love me too The scruffy, scatter brained, *** crazed, sarcastic sociopath is more than blood to me My imaginary friend who leaped straight from somebody else's nightmare to rescue me You looked so pathetic, let's be honest, I didn't really have a choice. He was the one who went straight for the cricket bat in playground scraps taught me everything I know about manipulating women You'd still just be loving your right hand every night if we never met Yeah, but I'd still be in college Yeah? Rotting away with the other soon to be bovine corpses? Stellar plan my man. ******* A No, now we rot alone Smells more like waiting for the legend to take hold. We'll own this world by proxy. Me, I'm a kid who writes Jax? He's a murderer at heart the hurricane to my calm, rippling koi pond You forget I'm a misogynist. I don't know if he's here to stay I don't know if I ever want him to leave me no longer mutually parasitic *the ******* end
An experiment. But if you are as intrigued as I am then find me at hbaxter94.com