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Nov 2013
I see these passing people,
passing phases,
passing time.
My mind feels so heavy.
so how can it be so hollow?
I hear my breathing,
somehow that is all.
Amongst the crowds life continues on.
I long to scream,
to fight,
to leave a mark,
to feel anything.
Anything at all.
Just something to remind me
I am still alive.
My heart beats on inside its bonds.
Streaming blood inside my veins.
My bottled up memories
are shattered on the floor.
Insignificant fragments
piercing the fragile tissue of my brain.
Dripping betrayal and regret
into the hollow chambers of my skull.
I see my life,
my pain,
my fate in everything around.
It whispers in the wind.
It reflects in the rain.
It's in the dirt.
It's in the earth.
I see these passing people,
passing phases,
passing time.
I realize I am nothing.
Nothing to them.
Still I want them to see.
See something,
just something
and remind me
I am still alive.
Hannah Rutherford
Written by
Hannah Rutherford
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