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Nov 2013
Having a love is a magnificent feeling
Having a lover is a brilliant thought
Making room in your world for such beauty;
His soul

The truth comes out, as you are falling
love conquers all

You start to notice the small things
His eyes, so mysterious
His smile, draws you in
His laugh, paints a picture of the future
His touch, brings you somewhere, you never want to leave
His everything, is everything that you want

More than anything,
I love you
More than anything,
You are

My one and only
It's us against the world
He gives you a reason
To smile
To live
To love
He gives you a reason,
A reason to be

Yourself is all he wants, you are all he needs
no make up necessary, no styling of the hair
he will not judge you for your scars
nor your mistakes
Your past, it does not matter
Your future, in his eyes
He picks you up, into his arms
holds you closer than ever

“I love you more than anything,
more than the stars love to shine,
more than the sun loves to blind
more than the earth loves to give life,
I love you more than anything,
I love you, I love you and all of you”


2013 - Miranda Mack-Jackson
Miranda Mack-Jackson
Written by
Miranda Mack-Jackson  28/F/Maine
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