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Nov 2013
Clear is the rain that falls on the worst of days.
Like a teenage girl falling in love, it can only fall.
Mess with what it stands for
and its razor sharp edges will become clean crisp cuts to your ego.

Rain that pours in lines and patterns
-Not in nature’s straight lines of perfection.-
Can pour reality into your soul, make you see what I could not.
Protect and preserve the fragile hearts of ones she cares for.
They will not end up like her.

The transparent burst of hope carried in by the wind,
Trying to breathe life back into the shattered world that is her mind.
Clear was the honest warnings she subconsciously heard but failed to heed.
Clear was the patronizing, β€œI told you so.” In the back of her mind.
The translucent shade that was her nightmare,
Now prevails to be her one and only dream.
It has saved her, it has made her.
Hannah Rutherford
Written by
Hannah Rutherford
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