by a dear friend, to imagine a dark room, an empty space, no windows, no doors, no escape.
she then proceeded to ask me to tell her how it made me feel
i looked at her and without an answer asked how most people would feel she said most people feel terror, panic, they become frightened beyond imagine. they look for an escape.
i simply nodded. she again asked me how it made me feel.
i looked her in the eye and said that dark room, with no windows, and no doors, no escape, it makes me feel safe. it makes me feel comfort. i gave her the most honest answer that i could. i told her that it feels like home.
her eyes suddenly got very sad. she looked at me and said that that room, with no windows, no doors, no escape,
she paused, and i looked at her, and she said. how you feel about that room, is how you feel about death.