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Nov 2013
recently a writ appeared
a read between the lines
a tale i found on Huffington
or was it New York Times?
it was one of those captions, 
you know the kind, that 
just slightly raises the eyes 
gives only mild surprise.
about an Adam’s words to his Eve.

“i’m so sorry honey; 
i truly didn’t know, 
marriage isn’t for me, dear.
sorry, i just realized now
what i should have long ago.”


so what would you think
as you read between these lines?
what would we care
its just another one of those
shrug the shoulder moments, right?  
not his thing, apparently.
but read on I say 
because there’s far more here
to this story than meets the eye;
before you judge too harshly
put yourself in the shoes of this guy.

here the story begins to unfold
seems son had been to talk with dad
about depression, about regret
about his attitude, and
like any dad that's worth his salt
well, dad, he talked of gratitude
said, “son, marriage isn’t for you, see”
and then he went on to explain

it’s never for you, 
yeah... it's for she
it's for the children
for a family
it's for a future
it's about giving
it's about sacrifice.

so, when you throw all that in the mix
there’s really little time left
to think about you.
marriage is never about getting
it's always been about giving;
and here’s the twist,
it’s the best part of all...

in all of your giving
in all of your loving
what you’ll receive 
what you’ll get back in return
is everything you always wanted,
so i’ve decided, yeah i can learn
i can be as smart as he
i can change like he and say,
*marriage isn’t for me... dear!
Post Script:  
although i truly do wish this idea was my own, alas, i cannot claim it.  though the story line is not mine, this poem is and is my translation of what Seth Adam Smith wrote in a blog that is going viral. see it for yourself here...
seems people really are interested in relationships that last after all.
SE Reimer
Written by
SE Reimer  Pacific NW
(Pacific NW)   
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