this dim light room you protest the error which must be why your here but not even a flicker of interest passes the faces gather in the moment digest its very essence with an eye to its taste and texture can it be such that while you see the logic thouse around only see the flaw you protest the confusion she laughs dull witted and mutters that confusion isnt allowed without proper paperwork therefore there is no confusion sit down and shut up you stand and try to leave the hired hand stops you with a gentle hand no friend we cant have that sit down go with the flow the tragedy is in her eyeless watching she just lingers there in the shadows with a television at full volume cartoons of americas empire building days running marathon back to back with the guy who teaches how to paint one a masterpiece of tragedy the other a tragedy of masterpieces life is a ironic love affair of joyfull young pretty college girls and the bitter old men they hide dogeared books of poems tucked inside old leather jackets misery need not apply