Let's go back To when things were better You don't think that something like this is going to happen to you You think that you're normal You thing that you're in control But you're not And you begin to realize it Once you figure it out You start to question yourself Why me? Why am I so dumb? Why am I so different? Why am I so ugly? It's a constant argument Between you and yourself You walk into your bathroom You lock the door You're alone On your own Just you You stand there like an idiot Ripping open your skin You think Why am I doing this? What is the point? God I'm dumb That stupid voice in your head Asking you why your tearing your flesh That constant argument Between you and yourself But after awhile That voice fades away Theres no one No one is talking you you anymore No one asking you why you are doing this So you just do it No emotion Just you Just your blade Just your skin Just your blood What's wrong with that? Nothing it seems You hate your family Your family hates you You lock your bathroom door again Why am I hated? Does anyone actually like me? No No one It's just me You see all those blue veins in your wrists Someone tells you Don't cut those But after awhile That voice goes away Maybe I actually should hit those blue things Will I get hurt? Will I die? I don't care No one does I'm fat and ugly anyways Who would want me? No one I kind of want to die You say It wouldn't really matter You are at school You look at the others They are all so small So beautiful Why am I so big? Maybe I should stop eating Food is like poison All it does is make you ugly Stay away from that I want to get smaller Did you eat today? What the hell were you thinking? Your wrists are gonna bleed like crazy tonight And it's your fault You're doing this to yourself Idiot Maybe you should just throw up That will make you feel better Don't you want to get skinny? Yeah You do Throw up While you do that Go cut yourself There Thats better Stop feeling bad for yourself Stop being so sad You have a house A bed A life Others would **** to be you Well why do I hate myself so much? Because you're stupid Just stop No one wants you here anyways It's that constant argument Between you and yourself