Wierd Morning. Woke late and had a quick bathe. Bathing was so not fun because my soap was missing, "it must be greenhilda, that monstrous cat of mine", i thought.
My electricity went off and Guess what? My first-day-at-work-clothes were seriously rumpled. I rushed my milk and tried to take in the last drop, it missed my mouth and landed on my shirt.
"Taxi", i screamed "God speed, right NOW" , i said. The taxi drove.
It was the red light and it was 8:45am. I said a silent prayer. Finally, the green showed and in 15mins i was there. " O.Malley Company" , the sign board said. I stepped in the front gates and then i accidentally dropped my eye-glass case. **** !Β Β it broke.
Day just got worse. My usually wierd smile plastered my face. I walk in, no one noticed. The office had its usual formalities. In no time i was directed to the Manager's office. We talked for 2mins and before i could stand, he announced my assigned post was occupied earlier that morning
" **** " , i cursed *** look graced the Manager's face.
I guess the saying about, "the early bird catches the worm" is true after all.
We all hate mornings that usually end up in a disaster. God save us from mornings like that