And a thousand kisses with a thousand lies line a thousand fears with a thousand sighs and a thousand lessons just a thousand words put a thousand ideas into a thousand worlds while a thousand minds draw a thousand breaths like a thousand tears o'er a thousand deaths for a thousand vows raise a thousand cries to a thousand answers and a thousand skies change a thousand answers soothe a thousand cries now a thousand vows die a thousand deaths shed a thousand tears steal a thousand breaths **** a thousand minds on a thousand worlds what's a thousand ideas just a thousand words lose a thousand lessons breath a thousand sighs live a thousand fears of a thousand lies and a thousand kisses
Getting back to my old self after a rough patch. Athena/Eirene is an attempt to create a poem that can be read from both beginning to end or end to beginning and still strongly relate to the titles at both ends. Athena : Goddess of war Eirene: Goddess of peace