Dipsy-la-lo-di-da, the hippo wore a hat, And flew to the moon on the back of a gnat. A penguin proposed to a blueberry pie, While a sock did karate and yelled, “Hi-yah, fly!”
The toaster recited a Shakespearean play, While the fridge breakdanced in a furious display. A llama in glitter invented a sport Juggling noodles in a pizza-filled fort.
Dipsy-la-lo-di-da, the cactus sang jazz, As jellybeans tangoed with purple pizzazz. A submarine surfaced in a giant teacup, And declared, “I’m the king of this syrupy sup!”
The stars turned cartwheels and burst into song, While spaghetti noodles swung Tarzan-style along. A turtle in tap shoes just couldn’t be beat, Winning gold medals for his two left feet.
So twirl with a trumpet and cha-cha with cheese, For in nonsense, the universe bows to its knees!