Ill be your landfill, your dump, your wasteland Unload your baggage and burdens on me Discard the blame like a sea of crushed cans and garbage Piled as far as the eye can see Litter me with the accountability you avoided to sleep soundly While my pillow holds mountains of hopeless thoughts and shattered dreams You just needed a villian for your story A sacrificial goat for your alter of self loathing You thought that if you made them hate me It'd be validation to treat me like you treat yourself inside your head. I will escape your abuse but you will always be stuck with you. Ill see you at your bedside, when you're paralyzed with regret and remorse These yellow eyes glow behind the closet door My presence hangs heavy, fog curls floating over your wooden floor I'm a haunting force, a creek in the night An apparition in the shadowed corner My wounds will heal but you'll live with the torture We both know the truth You did this to yourself You'll be scorched in the end By the same fire you tried to throw me in. You're stuck with you, but I no longer am.