My words are translated Aramaic to your tender divinity, a slurred expression of time immemorial. Satan visited me profusely under the guise of mistrodden eloquence.
(i can't breathe in this.)
There was a time when constraints defied my powers like kryptonite, when my head was lopped and guarded with gold eyes.
(i don't like wearing your mask.) (Have you seen mine lately?)
Some days distant on the cold snow banks, laughing breezily at easy disjuncture and spending the better part of this existence trying to bleed my fingers dry,
(We are the finest musicians you have never heard of.)
a disheartening side project placed upon a stone altar.
(Did you know i was an Aztec slave?)
Complacent and supple we have lined up longingly for our visions, but i am next, i am the lamb, the ambrosia-slicked path to zen.
i am the the slaughter(?) isn't going to end well for any of us, i suppose