I seem to have loved you in the distant galaxies where your name is a star,
A flash,
A comet’s tail
Curled in the velvet sky,
Untouchable, yet I reach for you
A body I cannot hold,
Yet I burn, I burn, I burn, I burn,
In the shadows of your absence,
I burn,
A flame too bright for this world.
In every space between our breaths, the distance of forever,
I see you
Not here, not here,
No not here,
But everywhere, in everything thing.
A constellated dream,
Chasing me across darkened skies,
Every pulse a planet,
Every ache a nebula blooming
Every thought a cosmos that implodes and shudders,
Only to collapse into nothingness.
Beautiful in your silence,
And yet I burn,
I burn.
my infinity,
I burn.
Love me, but you cannot
Not in this flesh,
Not in this cycle of light and dark
Even though your love burns me—
Still, my hands reach through the galaxies,
Touching you with longing fingers
That tremble on the edge of creation,
On the curve of an unseen planet,
This is where you will find me,
You exist in my veins,
In every pulse,
In every breath
That threatens to tear me apart
From the inside.
I burn.
Your beauty is celestial,
A flame I cannot hold, even if I try with both hands open,
Falling, Falling, falling
But still, I yearn,
Still, I crave with utter certainty,
To be consumed by you
In your radiant coldness,
To dissolve into the moon’s pale skin,
To crawl into the wound of your absence,
And die there
Over and over again.
But I love you like this,
A cosmic tragedy, our cosmic story,
Oh so beautiful and so cruel,
Written in the constellations,
In the voids between stars,
the bright sky eyes look upon and
across the lonely abyss,
A love that cannot return,
A touch that will never be given.
Still, I am endless,
Still, I reach,
My heart scattered
Across eons of time,
Loving you in every form,
Every life,
In every death,
That has become me.
You are the black hole,
******* me in,
But I do not resist,
I drown in you—
Gasping while forgetting to breath,
Every piece of me
Torn and Pulled apart and consumed
And yet,
I am full.
Full of you.
I seek your skin in the fabric of the cosmos,
across space and time,
A trembling galaxy,
A falling star that shoots across universe's
Spinning tumbling and unraveling,
A flame that touches me,
But only burns in the distance.
Still, I reach
My hands torn by stars,
My soul shaded in the darkened light that is You,
your moon moves softly as it eclipses,
My body worn by your absence,
But I burn,
Oh, I burn for you.
Copyright Malcolm Gladwin
March 2025
I BURN FOR YOU - Burning Through the Cosmo