I live in a city of salty people. We are all at times mean crass goatish people. Like grains of salt in a salty sea- -or a salty lake. but, we are not ever boring. we may be salty but we are doubtlessly very flavorful. we have more personality and ***** and character per square inch than most of the cities in the world. most all the cities I have been to, anyway.
I am a salty ******* at times and I have discovered that I need a grain of salt in my life. cold mornings. a shot of whiskey. Something to push back against. For fighting fake conflict is just flailing. I’m trying to tread this salty water and keep oxygen in my lungs just like all the other mouth-breathing saps in this salty pond pushing each other down to get a breath of fresh ozone and carbon monoxide and I guess that means I’m fighting for something.