Why is there a sense of betrayal? Why do you look worried in your heart? Don’t your eyes speak to you when you look in the mirror?
Why do you feel bad for a past gesture, long gone, yet still leaving its impact? The scope for improvement and betterment is at play regarding your actions now.
It seeks the internal empowerment of hope to settle your worries and sadness. A heavy soul now feels flourished, leaving behind dissipating sorrow and worry.
The angst of sorrow still has a role in questioning you and pointing at you.
Cast your inner spell within; let hope confide in you. Feel the faith and let the faithful magic blossom for you.
Don’t you worry; a beautiful picture will emerge, From nowhere, from within you alone. Shivpoetesspriya
There is a new update to my writing album, titled "Dots of Life." A new chapter has been added to its collection. The title of my new chapter is as follows: 1- Interplays of Faith!