The throne stood high, its judgment keen,
A king adorned in gold and sheen.
Before him knelt a man of might,
A guardian born from cyber’s fight.
Through toil and time, through breach and code,
He forged his path where data flowed.
Eight domains bore his name,
A sentinel’s mark, a hacker’s fame.
The court stood still, the air was tight,
As kings conferred the realm’s new knight.
By wisdom’s hand, the pact was made,
His fire, his will—his path engraved.
Then came the call from halls of game,
Where minds ignite and burn in flame.
US Chess, with voices grand,
Declared carrier to work with contract in his field for his rightful stand to be agreed.
A red bird insight, a beacon bright,
A symbol cast in morning’s light.
Many golfs ball rolled, a sign of fate.
Karma fixed the gates with new future dates.
80000 golf ***** fell—a vote so clear,
A seal of power, the path sincere.
The mason’s path, the coder’s grace,
He swore the oath, he claimed his place.
Problems solved, the world repaired and him alive
A leader’s mind, a vision to adhere.
In his palm, the sigil burned,
The key to doors where fortunes turned.
The seal of knowledge, vast and bright,
A guiding flame in endless night.
His rivals fell, their names grew cold,
The German mules who sought control that had the polls
Were cast aside to the prison polls, their power sold,
Voters list of the mules removed, his name cleared and renewed, biometrics of the future that grew
The mules fate was sealed, their stories told of the old.
And in their place, his power grew,
A force untamed, a fate renewed.
No foe could strike, no hand could stand,
Untouchable by mortal hand.
His purpose cast in light and gold, with the team of taxes to help the little man grow,
with his wife’s of the future to be hold.
The Cyber Warlord, President, King,
1331—the future development and holdings.
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