What the world needs now is a little faith hope and love A little tenderness and mercy raining down from above What the world needs now more than ever before Is a time to heal and a time to restore It's a wondrous place, this world that we live in Let go of the poisonous bitterness and be forgivin' Carefully place your feet and, upon solid ground, stand fast Helping each other out is the way we will last The challenges we go through help us to grow true Mistakes teach us as hard lessons reach us And find us stronger and better than we were Life is tough, but we are too; we will endure What the world needs now is to give love a chance To grace a stranger with a more than passing glance To look into the face of a mortal enemy And dare to find a place of peace and unity Let not the sun go down on your anger and hate There is time to turn around, it is not too late Perfectly imperfect is what we are Still beautiful and bright as the evening star What the world needs now is people who still care What the world needs now are stories to share There is one thing the world today seems to lack We all need to find our way back To the place of faith, family, and grace Don't forget where you've been and where you're from On the way to get where you're going Lift up your voice and add it to the song And find that what's been missing Has been there all along
Inspired by the song of the same name sung by Dionne Warwick