People you meet once and never again in your life.
You have a static picture in your mind of their face the small conversation their little story they tell you the place you met them in a bus, a shop, on the road interactions not long but meaningfully small yet leaving a memory in you.
I think of all those people I stopped by to ask for time seek direction of my destination or asking where I might find food or a resting place in an unfamiliar area.
Once and just once you meet them.
On a summer trip, I was looking for icecream in a strange place off the highway walked ten minutes to find a shop where for that brief encounter the seller made me feel like he had known me for long shared the history of that area the migration and culture of the residents before helping me with the right icecream.
Sometimes I wonder if they would have enriched my life were they part of my association.
Not scholars, not rich, but simple men who bring you down to earth and carve a space in your mindscape.