Rock 'n' roll isn't just about the juice it's about the contempt, the either/or goat herding inhibition that sears through the stratosphere (along electrical cables of the brain) and then is forgotten by it's implicator.
So what does the implicator intend to imply?
That she has no free will. That momentum is fun. That identity is transmutable if seen in such light as delusion.
So what does delusion of the implicator imply?
Oh it's their entire world. it's just noone can accept it, except for the people not accepting it, them even having a really psychic intricate way of thinking.
So maybe these implicators are just considered to have no imagination?
Well I understand, but then there's empathy isn't there, and the system is hardly set up to inspire imagination anyway. So that's questionable.
What of questions and the implicator?
Can you ask questions without free will?
Well, yeah, what else?
And that's where the whole corruption scheme begins to be answered. It's hashtagthaaaaat!(aaat)!