Nothing hurts more than a harsh, unkind word From the mouths of people unnecessarily frank and pert Insulting others is to be avoided at any cost Speak one sentence, and then you’re as good as lost.
What urges people to tell stories about others? Why don’t they treat all as sisters or as brothers How would they like to hear tales concerning them alone Wouldn’t they blame the world, wouldn’t they sigh and groan?
Its no use, my friend, you can never assure man You can never, never, gossiping in the land, ban Man’s good at making a mountain of a mole-hill Spreading false rumors, and creating ill-will
Ensnared by material benefits the world provides him with Man, who is, by the urge to win fame, bit Forgets all his manners – just brushes them aside And is enveloped in a snake-skin of venom and of pride
So! where’s the land of our dreams in which we can take pride Why do people revel in taking others for a ride Why cant we be engrossed in our own joys and sorrows A hopeful, expectant, wait for the morrows
Why interfere in other’s affairs when our own work is there Would we tolerate it if they laid our secrets bare ? Why tell stories behind the backs, and why insult others Why not mete out love and respect if all mankind are brothers??