I’ll love you until the world forgets the art of beginnings. I’ll love you until the seasons forget to change, until autumn, that old poet, stops dressing the trees in amber and gold, and leaving the sky bruised and bleeding orange. I’ll love you until summer loses its spark, until spring dies. I’ll love you until the rain forgets how to dance on windows. I’ll love you until the waves forget how to return to the shore. I’ll love you until the wind no longer hums.
I’ll love you until the clocks in my cathedral of waiting stop ticking, their hands finally still. I’ll love you until time grows tired of moving forward, leaving us suspended forever. I’ll love you until the thief time is, grows weary of dismantling moments.
I’ll love you until the rivers turn quiet, until the oceans lose their breath, and the tide no longer pulls me toward you. I’ll love you until the earth itself ceases to hold its grief, until it splits open and reveals bones, roots, things that lived and loved and died. I’ll love you until every flower withers in surrender, as though even nature knows the aching beauty of letting go. I’ll love you until the earth itself stops weeping for the dead.
I’ll love you until the sun forgets how to rise at dawn and the moon no longer remembers to take its place at dusk. I’ll love you until the moon’s pale face is no longer a witness to our sorrow. I’ll love you until the moon is no longer a silver sentinel but a pale, lifeless stone. I’ll love you until the stars begin to tremble at the thought of our absence. I’ll love you until the stars themselves collapse, one by one, until their light no longer traces your name across the vast sky.
I’ll love you until language fails me, until I no longer have the words to describe you. I’ll love you until the silence between us becomes unbearable, until i no longer hear your voice—perhaps then I’ll feel it, understand it. I’ll love you until my bones no longer ache with the hunger for you. I’ll love you until I realize I have nothing left to love. I’ll love you until I stop looking for pieces of you in strangers.
I’ll love you until the spaces between my bones no longer ache to expand, until my hands no longer remember the shape of you, until my heart no longer carries the burden of you. I’ll love you until the emptiness inside me is no longer shaped like you, until the ache finds somewhere else to go. Until I stop seeing beauty in the way things break. Until my hands forget how they bled for you. Until the salt in my eyes stings like sugar. Until my heart stops reaching for something that was never truly mine to hold. Until my heart forgets how to break.
to be loved by a poet