There’s a hunter in me still, a calm and coiled predator, watching through the lattice of rib bones, eager for your next misstep.
I call it survival, but the rawness of wanting feels more like a devouring. How many times can I trap you before I’m the one locked in? Before I slip into the shape of prey, all taut limbs and trembling bones, watery eyes and ***** fingernails, and drown in the sharp end of the game.
You whispered like a bleeding lamb, soft enough to hide the teeth behind your gums, sweet enough to steal the poison from the core of the apple.
I thought it would be different if I drank you down slowly, if I let my own venom lie dormant.
But I chewed through the skin of silence and found what the wolves left behind: the bitter marrow of your truth, still sticky with lies.
I could leave you there, a skeleton in my hunting grounds. But the hunger for reckoning stalks me. It’s feral now.
And when you’re undone, when your name curls in my mouth like the peel of a burned fruit, I will not spit it out.