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It sounds such a silly thing
to state the truth as it is
so plain and simple
but that's how it is, isn't it?

Fire burns
drugs ****
grief hurts
knives are dangerous
don't trust strangers

But there's more to that, isn't there?

Fire burns but it can feel good
Drugs **** but they also can give you dopamine
Grief hurts but there's catharsis
Knives are dangerous but so are people
Trusting a stranger can **** you or save you

Not all truths are surface level
so stop saying they are
because really,
can you see it all
by just looking?

If you look at a tree
can you see all its roots
the way it pulls water and nutrients up
can you count every leaf and knot
can you see all the bugs or mushrooms
or moss or worms around it or in it
can you see the rot in a fallen log?
can you see life in what's broken?

So done with people saying I'm faking it.
Written by
         Coleen Mzarriz, Cassian and SableNocturne
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