Rock n roll 101, here Yes sit on the floor do you see any chairs shut up and listen As once a wise man Played of fingerpickin Of havin no reason To stay reason of men To go. Rock n roll, 101. All has passed through And will see tomorrow Here at beatitude 102. Pull a chair to the front And learn knee to write As of all to letter to sal Paradise in nowhere if To stay welcome shall Stay on the road to be To all dear from as far To go to or leavin from A glad in heart of able. 103, the flower power that won as all way is From winter to spring As the wise man note In house of rising sun Times i said my home Far from new orleans. 104, punks even dead Be better than: 105 is. Of the wise instead of. Auditu'e veritas muse. Lessons to learn, 106 Master pieces of souls In heart if found way to Have in right as milions of milion fingers pickin 107 as the next of wise the men are, to be. 108.