anxiety is the bane of my existence it consumes me eating away at my sanity until it controls everything i do
heart pounding so hard that i feel stabbing pains in my chest my lungs get put into overdrive until they feel like they collapsed my throat burns and closes up i feel like i can't breathe
my stomach becomes the bermuda triangle twisting and churning, ******* everything to the bottom my body is filled with tremors and my legs don't seem to be strong enough to walk
my mind races and blurs of thoughts race back and forth it feels like everyone is staring at me i can feel their eyes boring into me judging me and when i hear someone laughing i believe it's me they're laughing at after all all i am is a joke a freak “a girl who thinks she's a boy” an ugly clown
so i dont go out of my way to talk to people my age at school i keep my eyes to the floor and my expression blank and emotionless i don't want people to know what im thinking for fear of what they might do with it