when knowing me, you will hear things. “what kind of things?” you may ask i’m afraid to tell you, i respond for if i tell you, i’m afraid you’ll believe them “are they true? the things that are said?” i don’t believe so, no. i try to block out what could be taken as an insult by them. “who is .. them?” why, you know them, everyone does of course. they’re funny in that way. they’re a follower of christ of course they’re good people. why wouldn’t they be? if god sees them as good, that must mean they are. “i don’t think that’s true” it doesn’t matter what you think. the term good people, is created to comfort those who aren’t. i get talked about, even if nothing was done wrong but of course, in their eyes, i was wrong wrong for living? maybe maybe even wrong for not giving the attention they wanted but even then, they follow god, our god if they confess their lies and unfaithfulness to the man above why does it matter how i feel? it doesn’t it never will.