Have mercy on me in your goodness and grace Wash me of my guilt and from my sin erase I know of my misdeeds for they are a shadow Wherever I walk they are sure to follow It is you that I rejected, you that I denied It was for my sin that you were crucified I am guilty and your judgement is right Never was there a time I was blameless in your sight Still, you impart wisdom and the need for sincerity A humble spirit and a heart of great integrity Sprinkle me with your healing waters Lord Wash me in the flow of your precious blood Drown me in the waves of your mercy Cleanse me in your life-giving flood That I may be pure, that I may be as holy as I ought That I may be whiter than snow by a lot Open my ears Lord to hear your voice And, out of my suffering, I will rejoice
Have mercy on me in your goodness and grace Look not on my sin, and from my guilt erase Create in me a clean heart Oh Lord Renew within me a stout spirit Cast me not from your presence Lord Nor from me withdraw your Holy Spirit But restore the joy of my salvation That I would witness to the nations The saving power of God and His mighty love that they too may repent and join in Heaven above Rescue me Oh God from sin and death That I may sing of your saving power My lips will proclaim with every breath Every second, every moment, every hour You do not desire outward sign of sacrifice That alone does not fulfill the price You require a right attitude, a humble and contrite heart That is how the changes can finally start
Bring your kingdom here that all peoples my come And find a place of peace, healing, and reconciliation