Every art is a form of a prophecy, foresight of the future next great event of skies and to be celebrated in the time of man and in man The time become since and untill as in heart overcomes the world by love the hatred and truth the fear a proof to be the son of the father one and same and with also every and all that accepts him as his to be Or to be not. You are free.
Must seem as mad and craze the sure By which to voice do The impossible which By what else than happy To nest might be and By measured as building a bridge for those that cant see the other bank. We were born to know we are and not knowing what. As the road keeps through where we step as by every decision of we become our decision as decisions we. Art can not be taught only learned ones deserved and earned the trust to honor to do what good work named what did All to come to be just as you To sound it a definition to Limit the expressed limited As we are free by imagination In will and to serve the lord Of lords and king of kings How can you be of help be To answer in each and all!
And yet so is by being less and not more as the gold is boiled to shape a chain or whatever form of lock to try to imprison luck to as evil the lord while the good like eldorado on the first grace of light plants as bread crumbs to rivers to will of fate of good fated to find. Once lost needs that need far less so much more way to find to satisfy what hunger or thirst as man and not beggar to ask in right if god in land known so the water worthy of hands used to be crossed to prayer and stomach fed on words of still and having nowhere to go walking as light as the feather in friendly wind get no further in life and close to be what end to begin at death with walk every step be blessed and known dear in heart to what made the rain the lion and sun and time, as generous glorious powerful and endless enemy or friend of hope and merci the truth its justice to art romance in heart the law said poetic for beautiful for honest therefore right.