i am sitting outside, searching a sunset: a plant loving light, gobbling it up through every pore. Looking for the pinpoints of ancient transmission. i see a bulge...NO... two, THREE!: alien fingers pressing latex event horizon, mixed palette cornea burned. (Just a flashback, a cold beach night in my memory, feeling small in the universe again; chain-smoking unfiltered cigarettes, forcing a process, tasted bittersweet on the tip of my tongue.)
i hate you, Florida, but every where is equally beautiful in the now. None of it is home.
i don't know what that means...
is it here, where i am understood, examined?
i am cold, seeking fire: i need to cut you wide open, Luke's Tauntaun, and stuff you full of my words, replace your white insides with black and gray ink.
To live. To BURN. In the light, the way of forever.