and i watched this poor ****** from atop a double decker bus best attired social grey of ghost in pristine black sneakers black trousers dark grey musubi truck t-shirt and a lighter grey hoodie donning dunglasses... and i watched this poor ****** pushing a pram filled with bagpipes and nappies... and i thought about nothing and then i thought about thinking and i also thought about i and then nothing: nothing at all... oh you poor soul: to think i might be the one raising another man's offspring: sure... i want to be... famous: but only when i'm dead... lucky me! two birds! one poney and a stone... so the girl's father is dead: ****... i don't even know what that means... so i have a child in the crisp cut darkness of reality and her biological father is dead and i'm drinking nervously anticipating being alone all alone through the night in San Francisco... i'm not even ******* thinking about coming back to London via New York where i'll also be let loose like Hades' Cerberus... because so much concrete to chew and be constipated with... but there's this daughter and then i think about the hawk-duo girl and i think about slobbering spitting on my hand to lubricate it before i use the hand to **** her **** while i kiss her slowly, softly... then i listen to some Danzig 1000 devils reign: and i think of the Caesars... and... sort of think myself as the 2nd Christian... which is funnier if you think about Christianity as a philosophy with bad actors people as saints against angels making a Michael a saint having clipped his wings: how cruel is Christianity.... the ascetic as a philosophy but all that aesthetic as a religion... now the wrath is boiling and it's boiling over all the shimmy of lowering IQ... because now Christianity is not a religion of the pauper northern barbarians but that of the ******* *******... oops... said what?! you clipped the wings off of angels and started calling them saints! gave them solipsistic halos: you crazy fools! you ******* effing retardo Robertos and Alejandros! hell should raise itself and take a **** in your mouths with all your unnecessary *******: be lost without the woman of your lust for a year and count the days before being reunited and also make it clear: the offspring is just an offspring something to be catered to: something to be fed maybe if stressing: having its *** wiped... but in terms of a top hat and bunny and the ******* magic act of oops... it's gone... i'll need to spit on my hand to lubricate it better: the best *** insinuates violance contained... and being a potent for surrogacy... i don't even know if i am even slightly understood... i see Christianity as the ultimate testimony of how to sieve humanity how to break man and govern the best to come of him... that's why Judaism honey-suckled so dearly to it that the Holocaust would have to arrive... not out of Islam... oh jeez! so much jazz! and maybe i was cruel to the Africans and how the Japanese love Chopin but the Africans can't appreciate that technicality but thanks to the Africans we broke away from classical music and reignited the drums but... that soppy happy story is done given the advent of the end of musical disinhibitions and it's just a brick wall of sordid sounds... but only with the ascetic of Christianity that: anything like who wrote the Quran: if Muhammad was illiterate and his first wife was his older savvy bussinesswoman Khaddijah... i'm still holding truce with the truth: i really don't want to live among people that want to **** me or my loved ones and the ones who pretend to be shadows with: at least i can see a ******'s face smiling in the dark with full grin and sclera of the eyes... but this woman-fake ninja binja... well drum roll t'ah t'ah: i'm all mouth and my eyes rolling back into her ****... i am lust i am awe... i am San Francissco at night: all on my own... on the 28th of February through to March the 1st... that city will be mine.