so there's the world: yeah: yeah... and Islam is only part of this world: yeah... yeah... yeah... innit bruv... so like... innit... so you have you east London collective bruv... yeah... so Islam is like a cognitive ******* constipation innit bruv... hey! **! bruv! i don't have to... ******* live among you people bruv! i can ******* to another part of the world where i'm not influenced by your: arschlochsprechen! who said Christianity is perfect when it's translated into the confines of religion? i don't want to live among Muslims... i don't have to! so lucky to think i can escape these incestous ******* retards... i don't want to live among Muslims, with Muslims... i'm gonna take my chances with the Polynesians... i just don't want to live among these people... is it so ******* bad?!