“ To do a thing young is a shortcut to greatness. Everything you do right is evidence of your great potential, and all your mistakes are the mistakes of inexperience, which will be corrected, surely, by the passing of time. To write a poor sentence at the age of nineteen is expected (and quickly forgiven). To write a poor sentence at the age of forty-five—shouldn’t you know better by now?”
now of an age when the word decrepit takes on an ironical extra lively meaning, and critique mine own progeny (feet, fingers toes & nose) thru a bitter screening of et tu?
thru this wizened skepticism, acting as a great filtration filigree of straining, so many newlywed issues never see the light of night, by early dawn’s demise, they gone, discarded
<•> do the thing step into the crevice neath the wrath of the precipice
be great by your own definition start the ignition and energize the engine add oil & gas the spark plugs of youth will get you to the next stop or testing station