for the hammer the coin the nail the coffin and the crucifix... i am spawn reyla i am spawn but to Edie i am Batman... i am Spawn to Reyla.... i am Mushroom Hallucihoneic to Grandpa Joseph and Uncle Martin..... love i love you but i also love more van Gogh... and the scream of the lost minded ***** of horror.... Francis Bacon: b aked Beans Stalin ******....
can't believe in the relevation of Dhrist: the religion for a new abge ****** of the African reminder:
but when the Asians imitate Eruopean culture there is so much homage but when the Africans talk of Europe thery forget the Turks and Arabs...
god there's only a njarrative Reyla... nianianarrative...
i see the white smoke: and i see the Rage of the Mandarins....