Sunshine glistening Off a solem fat tear..... Gently caressing my flushed cheek..... I turn away unable to speak .... "Look at me" say Laughingly...... A million words better than beautifull ....... Could never define you .. Adequately You said "I love you" To me ...... This moment is ineffable A warm quiet breeze Berefts cherry blossoms from fragrant trees ...... Flitter by diapheneously. .... Gently touch down Into a clear mountain stream ... Enhancing as they flow away .... Like my worries and doubts when I'm with you....... Enchanting .......... How you shiver me With such natural elegance your voice ..... Angelic Your words alluring I am spellbound by your eloquence....... HONORED And ....... I do Look at you are an obsession....... Not a choice. Nuanced .....even your essence and the world un voiced..... Everything that is not you is Ambiance I get lost in you're eyes I see a reflection of me .. ... The un-conquered spartan that's been all but beat out of me By peasants who pretended to be Lovers ....... Who were really handlers Who used me. ..