To walk until this gradual curve gives out- Or to walk until the point where "up" is sideways
and jump.
I'd fall for countless hours pass all the stars and waywards who, like myself couldn't walk a straight line in broad daylight I'm too sober and too addicted to vice I'm a pincushion of anxious and when the tension releases, explosions shake my achy feeble frame or just plain mistakes get made I feel like I can't handle life I feel like I can't cope with even the slightest feather's poke I feel useless a self-destructive nuisance who speaks grandiose and uses words like verbose but couldn't tie my own shoes -note that these don't have laces- or might miss a bus cause "**** look at those clouds" or "man, bees are super weird" and meanwhile I'm crashing through china shop two. I'm a bull without horns, ever bitter, never scorned.
so I'll walk in silly circles until this curve gives out. I'll walk until I'm back where I started and change course I'll walk until my own head makes sense I'll walk until I feel like I have enough room in my body to contain me. I'll walk until my legs give in and my shoulders slump forward from exhaustion or boredom I'll walk until I figure out there is no "up"
and jump.
I wrote this while backpacking Europe. I have still not stopped walking.