In an attempt to recount how life came about on planet Earth, thence subsequently spanning across the webbed wide world birthed cockamamie idea within mind of then young Matthew Scott Harris, who knew nothing about Charles Darwin Origin of Species controversial revolutionary annunciation with much excitation videre licet painstakingly slow process of evolution, where over the course of billions of years origin of life became as told to him tongue in cheek courtesy his kibitzing father and mother manifest hoodwinked him (said boy gullibly prone to accept gospel that every object in the sky peopled unwittingly complement Harris mad scientist, (who spent substantial years self sequestered - much like writer of these words) fabricating in retrospect far out and groovy improbable hypotheses about Norwegian bachelor farmer, who in an attempt to make powder milk biscuits, put the ingredients in the refrigerator and absent mindedly forgot about them until unusual noises heard distinctly linkedin within invention to keep perishables frozen or cold - a constant almost rhythmic rattle & hum eventually drew curiousΒ resident of Lake Woebegone, and supposed missing link within genealogical family tree, which ostracized forebear unwittingly created perfect magnetic force field environment where steely sons of ******* outliers from outer limits of the twilight zone not unlike the Jetsons (a fictional family from animated sitcom of same name ineluctably pulled (usually against their will) said television show aired in the1960s, and viewed by none otherΒ than yours truly me as a rather quiet natured keenly observant little boy ofttimes looking toward the heavens displaying inscrutable mien dumbfounded look, whose furrowed brow contemplating expanse undermined with puzzlement where multitudinous pinpoints of light extended far into dark shadows unbeknownst to me childlike wonder, & even mind boggling to one sexagenarian regarding deep space comprising bajillion stars and stripes of various and sundry animals and plants occupied where according to current scientific understanding, the cosmos, or universe, is primarily composed of three main components: normal matter (about 5%), dark matter (around 27%), and dark energy (approximately 68%); with dark matter and dark energy (drink) being the dominant constituents, although their exact nature the stuff of an overactive imagination such as mine conjured entities (especially more substantial when edge of night crept across patch of property housed domain with the address 2701 Lantern Lane, Audubon, Pennsylvania where curious kid spent approximately the first half dozen years of his life and hard time, and said residence I espied while returning back to Schwenksville after the missus underwent minor routine treatment (liquid nitrogen sprayed atop a dot over each to brow) to stave off any potential future more serious issue with skin.