His fur catches twinkling light spots motifs hypnotize. He paces the cage, restless. The black claw wants to tear open raw flesh. Pulsing dense warmth flows in the heavy air.
To get closer— just for a while, to look into gold-red, cold eyes To touch the mystery, to ask what it feels when it rips apart the skull and slurps the fading beingness… Is curiosity worth it?
Nature is no accident, Nothing is left to mere chance. Stare too long into his eyes, the barriers come down… Is that you, or is that I? An ominous gaze is a gift that unveils the fated future.
If they open the door He reacts without control. His instincts unerringly detect unspoken warnings. Run away, Turn to stone, Scream or Faint if you want.
The shrinking, narrow space puts everyone to the test in a world of large and small cages.