the old world surgers forward lodged between the three powers of Russia America and the yawn of the West the perverts i see a people already grouped together in political talk the Eastern Europeans... where geographically eastern Europe and the Urals... central: axis Europeans... we are the axis Europeans from perhaps Estonia but certainly Latvia Lithuania Poland most certainly Ukraine even Romania Moldova Bulgaria is teasing the idea Russia can have the Balkans... Serbs are more alligned with Russians "we" don't need the balkans that's how the ethnonym was misunderstood by the English speakers that the origins of slave came from the Slavs... yes... the idiots who ventured down south for some sea salt and air of Greece... southern slavs might have been slaves but i guess there were also the northern slavs who were once... Russia can have Crimea and whatever land they took... but... all i ask for... is for Ukrainians to return to their true origin: and write in LATIN with LATIN letters... i don't need that cheap *** Cyrillic Greco facade i'm starting to hallucinate we will not listen to the Germans to the English to the French they have their own Islamic phobias and love of spiders... and paedophilias and other circus clowns... we will covertly suckle and that will be the end of us and Scandinavia can have its Union and we will have ours and the other parties can go their own seperate ways and we will have Independent Benelux and Independent Germany and France and no one currency: so no Cyrillic deaf Greek in Ukraine: Russia can have Crimea and their inroads not much lost unless it's Hunter Biden's laptop... or what the **** happened when gwanpwah wash ashleep... huh?! oh indeed: indeed i did indeed see the full ******* splendour of sunrise when Muhammad lifted up his *** in prayer and i thought for God: wouldn't that sound nice: ****... so Hosannah and Allah Akbar resounded together and i was glad that the day when God rested and his ego was born and it was I and that was funny when god rested on the seventh? i forget: i against i: or the sixth and on the last day of creation god took a rest: and "i" were born! ha ha! whoops! laps in judgement only a silly prank so god rested and what comes from a god at rest? all manner zzzz ssssss ch ch ch ch evil! clown! on patrol! bazooka boom boom boom! what is pure? pure "pure" and also evil? people say: casually: the good the ultimate good the only good but when evil is inclined to prop ear and lobe half orbit of brain and ear... the purity of evil is invoked: almost like a prayer oh god please let this next psychopath be the purest of all evils a being with proof: there is a god for all of you... but there is... no soul... for... moi! i am in this machinery of deus in machina as the diabolos est machina... ex ex ex what?! did i invite you into the meat grinder of my consciousness or did you... somehow... somewhat silently... minced yourself and everything about... no wonder for the longest of times i thought my irises were green... in paintings they are that constipated yellow... but in actuality... there's only black pupil the grey mother and the sclera papa... of pure headache white!