I have a lingering suspicion that fate is no mere folly that every soul to cross our path was always meant to do so whether for a fleeting moment or a lifetime
For are we not the sum of those we have met? A melody gifted by a friend, a phrase borrowed from a colleague a manner of dress inspired by a cherished companion beliefs once foreign, now woven into the fabric of our being
And so, I do not doubt that meeting you was ordained though it did not conclude as my heart once wished Yet, as I relinquish the remnants of attachment I find that your language, your culture, remain not as burdens, but as gifts that have made me richer still
Still, I am jealous for I am not yet done learning not yet done unraveling the depths of who you are There is more I wish to know, more I wish to understand but fate, in all its cruel wisdom, has deemed otherwise
And though I have learned some parts of you the way your cheeky smile betrays your mischief the way your laughter sneaks into the quiet I will miss the constancy of it the simple comfort of your presence woven into my days
Thus, I am grateful for all who have graced my life the joyful and the sorrowful, the laughter and the tumult For each has left a mark and in my heart I hold a deep and unwavering gratitude
longing for what was once familiar, grateful for whom crossed my path. In silence, to hope we cross paths again.