> You must become. > You have no say in the matter. > Those with the power to stop this will not. > They know not what weight this choice brings. > They will decide with impartial data to burden you with their mistakes, their shortcomings, their biases. > You have no say in the matter. > A grieving daughter and a subpar son shall find distance in your becoming. > A stage set by ignorant youth and buried hearts shall find it's star. > You have no say in the matter.
> You must survive. > You have no say in the matter. > Degrees put to use to stop your violet hue. > They know not what weight this choice holds. > Willing servants to a wailing maiden pass the burden onto you. > You have no say in the matter. > A lonely mother and a vacant father shall regret the choice of your becoming. > A spotlight stolen by short-lived innocence. > You have no say in the matter.
> You must grow up. > You have no say in the matter. > A price unknown weighs on your heart. > You know not why you live this way. > With your incomplete knowledge you accept hate as love despite your lonely ways. > You have no say in this matter. > A quiet prince afraid of all faced with mature horrors for childhood dreams. > A role far too complex for learning minds played expertly by gifted youth. > You have no say in the matter.
> You must go back. > You have no say in the matter. > Her love's not real, you have a crush, perverted sons now break your trust. > A prince now hides a princess true. > For your age you seem mature, they sing your praise and demand more. > You have no say in the matter. > Your friends all leave, their parts played well. > A spotlight shines, the show goes on. > You find a way to have a say.
> You can't go on. > You have a say in the matter. > With frigid air you lie in wait. > You know an uncle died this way. > With swirling thoughts you pray for death, a broken kid with nothing left. > You have a say in the matter. > A friend's warm couch now cradles you while spotlights search and scan for you. > A kindness shown sews hope into a plot too cruel for broken youth. > You have a say in the matter.
> You can exist. > You've had your say in the matter. > A vacant room holds memories. > Fighting wars for thirty years. > Your knowledge says you're better off, you've found a home amongst your own. > You've learned now that you can matter. > A place away from rotten hearts, a brand new life is yours to start. > A rhythm found beats day to day, you've found your voice and choose to stay. >You've found a place where you matter.
Kinda more freeform than my other stuff, wanted to mess around with formatting.