Always give your very best, From your heart's hot furnace To the depths of that gaping maw.
Through the rivers of the Earth, And with these lumps of clay rolling around Collecting bits of metal Shaping themselves Drinking it all in Before the cycle completes.
Your very best draws in resentment like a magnet Accusations taking flight like vile birds Like proverbial pigs next to age-old idioms, Because it escapes understanding
Except by you, As you try obviously to craft Another excuse...!
Ugly girl, Twist your eyes in the mirror to see beauty-- Do a contrivance dance Like a stimming autistic kid And be taken off guard by reality And laugh, and laugh or cry.
But the hornbeams are immune to your endless pondering I know you've already felt like you were about to die Many times Just by thinking about it Yes, I know it's scary Sadly there is nothing I can do
Not much more than we can do for Jesus.
But you are cousins with a narwhal. And you know your blood is technicolor phlogiston. And your disappointment breeds joy And you can't snap the Earth in half with your mind.